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Project Name:
This is a group project for Tung Wah ONCE ( 東華三院雲尚禮儀), for this group project, I have designed a series of funeral products. Also, different duties were assigned to each teammate based on our strengths. I am responsible for the design part, including the theme and material selection, graphic design, etc. And the result of the product is better than our expectation.
「緣分是生死無法割斷的線……」本系列產品主要表現人與人之間緣分的羈絆,並以「緣.完.圓」作為主題,「緣.完.圓」指緣分、完結、圓滿。願藉此產品傳達—「雖已相隔兩界,但雙方的緣分是堅不可摧的珍貴情誼。」的理念,並許願每位舉辦者甚至逝者本人不必執著於遺憾,而是以喪事這個儀式為逝者圓滿結束他們精彩的一生。 以「緣.完.圓」設計了一系列殯儀用品,當中包括訃告、禮簿、吉儀、襟花、纓紅利是。每件用品代表一個「緣.完.圓」。

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